PCI Pharma Services Ethical Statement
This statement is made pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that PCI Pharma Services is taking to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chains or in any part of our business.
References to PCI throughout include the PCI group of companies as detailed in the ‘Company Overview’ section below.
Company Overview
PCI is an integrated full service provider and a trusted partner to leading companies in the global healthcare industry; we offer unparalleled expertise and experience in taking compounds from the earliest stages of development through to commercial launch, delivering speed to market and commercial success for our customers.
Core services include: analytical services, formulation development, clinical trial supply, commercial manufacturing and packaging, Qualified Persons services, supply chain management, storage and distribution.
We operate from 16 Centers of Excellence around the world and have facilities in:
- Rockford, IL
- Philadelphia, PA (HQ)
- Cincinnati, OH
- San Diego, CA
- Boston, MA
- Madison, WI
- Bedford, NH
- Mississauga, Canada
- Burlington, Canada
- Melbourne, Australia
- Dublin, Ireland
- Berlin, Germany
- Leon, Spain
- Bridgend, United Kingdom
- Hay-on-Wye, United Kingdom
- Tredegar, United Kingdom
PCI Philosophies and Principles
PCI Corporate Code of Ethics and Business Conduct provides a set of rules based on both national and international standards to ensure PCI’s employees are upholding the highest level of ethical conduct in their day-to-day business.
All employees are trained on PCI Corporate Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and it is easily accessible by all staff.
PCI strives to ensure that it does not contribute towards adverse human rights impacts through its supply chains. There is an ongoing commitment to engage only those suppliers that uphold the same principles as PCI and where necessary ensure the implementation of corrective action measures. In the event that suppliers fail to take steps to cease or prevent adverse human rights impacts, PCI will reconsider its business relationships with those suppliers.
Supply Chain Overview
The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain is highly regulated with several layers of suppliers from source of raw materials to the distribution of final product. As well as being highly regulated the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain typically also consists of a highly trained and skilled workforce where the risks of slavery or human trafficking are lower.
Although recognising human rights and environmental impact in the supply chain is ultimately our suppliers’ responsibility, as customers, PCI works closely with them to clearly communicate our expectations. This encourages relationships based on trust and transparency.
In our standard procurement process we only use approved suppliers who are regularly audited. If any issues are identified during an audit the supplier is required to prepare a Corrective Action Plan and resolve all issues within an agreed time period.
When purchase orders are issued, they incorporate our Standard Terms & Conditions of purchase (T&C’s). The UK Regional Purchasing Policy (POL-012) has been issued internally to ensure all staff are aware of obligations when dealing with suppliers.
All goods are inspected at point of receipt. Compliance to specification is confirmed which includes full traceability of all materials, country of origin and transparency during the manufacturing process. This is ensured through stringent documentation controls.
Review of Internal Policies
A review of PCI’s existing Corporate Code of Ethics and Business Conduct was conducted in 2019 to ensure its relevance and compliance with the Act. A copy of the Corporate Code of Ethics and Business Conduct can be found here.
PCI’s Continued Commitment
PCI recognises the importance of maintaining constant vigilance to identify and address any impacts associated with slavery and human trafficking throughout its supply chains. In recognition of the salience of these issues, PCI is committed to continuing to enhance its capacity to identify, prevent and mitigate any actual or potential impacts in this field.
Approval by PCI’S Executive Team
I, Angi Calkins, hereby certify that the information contained in the above Ethical Statement is factual and has been approved by PCI Executive Team.
Name: Angi Calkins
Position: Chief Human Resources Officer
Date: 07 April 2021
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